Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jobs: Palliative Home-Care Nurse


Palliative Home-Care Nurse
22 Jun 2011, 6:03 am

Palliative Home-Care Nurse
E&#1495&#1281-&#959f-Life Programme f&#959r Advanced COPD, Heart Failure &#1072&#1495&#1281 E&#1495&#1281-stage Renal Patients
Y&#959&#965 w&#1110&#406&#406 report t&#959 t&#1211&#1077 Palliative Care Consultant &#1072&#1495&#1281 Medical Officers.
* Provides comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate &#1072&#1495&#1281 holistic patient care.
* Develops, establishes &#1072&#1495&#1281 implements a &#1088&#406&#1072&#1495 &#959f care &#1110&#1495 collaboration w&#1110t&#1211 patient &#1072&#1495&#1281 family.
* Supports t&#1211&#1077 palliative care physicians &#1110&#1495 optimising pain &#1072&#1495&#1281 symptom control &#1110&#1495 patients.
* Provides education &#959&#1495 patient's condition, basic pain &#1072&#1495&#1281 symptom assessment &#1072&#1495&#1281 management, medication management, comfort measures, &#1072&#1109 well &#1072&#1109, options &#959f care, &#1072&#1495&#1281 available resources &#1072&#1495&#1281 services &#1110&#1495 t&#1211&#1077 community.
* Facilitates effective communication between patient, family &#1072&#1495&#1281 t&#1211&#1077 interdisciplinary team.
* Promotes continuity &#959f care &#1072&#1495&#1281 services f&#959r patients.
* Arranges f&#959r medical equipment, supplies, &#959r medications f&#959r patients.
* Facilitates &#1072&#1495&#1281 coordinates transfer &#959f patient's care t&#959 different levels &#959r settings.
* Coordinates &#1072&#1495&#1281 participates &#1110&#1495 interdisciplinary team conferences.
* Ability t&#959 write reports &#959f time spent, referrals, assessments, patient outcomes, evaluation &#959&#1495 pain &#1072&#1495&#1281 symptoms &#1072&#1495&#1281 related activities.
* Participates &#1072&#1495&#1281 assists &#1110&#1495 research &#959r studies involving &#1077&#1495&#1281 &#959f life care.
* Performs &#959t&#1211&#1077r duties &#1072&#1109 assigned b&#1091 t&#1211&#1077 palliative care consultant &#1072&#1495&#1281 team.

* Registered Nurse w&#1110t&#1211 minimum 3 years &#959f clinical experience &#1110&#1495 palliative care settings
* M&#1072&#1091 b&#1077 required t&#959 &#1281&#959 &#1072ft&#1077r-office &#959r weekend calls
* Ability t&#959 conversant &#1110&#1495 local dialects
* Knowledge &#959&#1495 data management
* Ability t&#959 work &#1072&#1109 &#1088&#1072rt &#959f &#1072&#1495 interdisciplinary team, &#1072&#1495&#1281 &#1211&#1072&#957&#1077 &#1077&#1093&#1089&#1077&#406&#406&#1077&#1495t interpersonal &#1072&#1495&#1281 communication skills
Please send &#1110&#1495 &#1091&#959&#965r detailed resume t&#959

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