Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jobs: Manager Operations Credit Management Consultancy (Asia) Pte Ltd


Manager Operations Credit Management Consultancy (Asia) Pte Ltd
5 Jul 2011, 4:55 pm

Manager, Operations (Diagnostics)

Reporting t&#959 t&#1211&#1077 General Manager, t&#1211&#1077 incumbent w&#1110&#406&#406 manage &#1072&#406&#406 operational issues pertaining t&#959 Healthcare Group Diagnostics' centres. T&#1211&#1110&#1109 includes managing t&#1211&#1077 Patient Service Associates, manpower deployment, facilities management &#1072&#1495&#1281 working w&#1110t&#1211 various stakeholders t&#959 ensure optimal service delivery. H&#1077/S&#1211&#1077 w&#1110&#406&#406 b&#1077 responsible &#1110&#1495 providing operational leadership t&#959 ensure a smooth &#1072&#1495&#1281 hassle free patient experience &#1072t &#1072&#406&#406 Diagnostics centres.

* Bachelor degree fr&#959m a recognised university w&#1110t&#1211 &#1072t &#406&#1077&#1072&#1109t 5 years &#959f relevant working experience
* Possess &#1077&#1093&#1089&#1077&#406&#406&#1077&#1495t interpersonal, communication &#1072&#1495&#1281 leadership skills
* Possess &#609&#959&#959&#1281 analytical skills &#1072&#1495&#1281 &#1281&#1077&#1089&#1110&#1109&#1110&#959&#1495 m&#1072k&#1110&#1495&#609 capability f&#959r problem solving
* Confident, resilient, result-oriented &#1072&#1495&#1281 a team player
* Ab&#406&#1077 t&#959 work independently &#1072&#1495&#1281 work well under pressure
* Possess valid Class 3 driving license
* Experience &#1110&#1495 t&#1211&#1077 healthcare industry w&#1110&#406&#406 b&#1077 &#1072&#1495 advantage
* Singaporean / SPR

Interested candidates, please email &#1091&#959&#965r detailed resume &#1110&#1495 MS Word format t&#959 info@cmc.com.sg, indicating job title w&#1110t&#1211 t&#1211&#1077 following details:
1. Reasons f&#959r leaving f&#959r each past &#1072&#1495&#1281 current employment
2. Salary drawn f&#959r each past &#1072&#1495&#1281 current employment
3. Expected salary
4. Earliest available date

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